Mentorbox Review – Is It Worth The Price?

As human beings, we always want to learn and improve our lives. It becomes even more necessary when we’re trying to build a career.

Reading books remains one of the best ways to learn. There are tons of books out there on improving life for the better but, it’s impossible to read them all. You can only read as much as you can.

Thanks to digital technology and the internet, you can learn a lot faster via online video lessons. How about a platform that combines the knowledge of books and the convenience of online learning? Well, MentorBox is such a platform.

MentorBox has been around for a while and is increasingly popular among career and business enthusiasts. However, is the platform worth using? What is it all about? How does it work? You’ll find all the answers and more in this in-depth MentorBox review. Read on.

What Is MentorBox?

MentorBox is a platform that aims to change how people read and learn. In today’s world where not everyone has the time to sit down and read books, the platform brings the books and their authors to readers. It was founded by Tai Lopez and Alex Mehr.

On MentorBox, you’ll find video and audio lessons of authors of some of the world’s best-selling books. In these lessons, the authors teach and explain their books. Some lessons are compiled to form full courses.

MentorBox mainly features books and lessons about life and business. Hence, the platform is targeted at people who want to improve their lives and become more productive at their businesses.

Aside from book authors, MentorBox also features video lessons from industry experts and CEOs.

Also, there are audio and video lessons from pro athletes, Pulitzer Prize winners, world-renowned researchers, NYT bestsellers, and a lot more.

The main deal about MentorBox is that the content isn’t stagnant. Now and then, new books and media lessons are added to the expansive catalog.

The platform is used by thousands of people, most especially business entrepreneurs. According to the website, MentorBox has over 50,000 active users.

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How Does MentorBox Work?

You can access MentorBox via the website or via the mobile app which is available for Android and iOS. Before you can access any of the platform’s content, you must register an account and pay.

Since MentorBox contains a lot of content, the course library is endless. With a subscription, you get access to all the courses available.

You can sort the catalog according to category or author to find the right course, audio, or video lesson. You can as well simply search for a keyword.

Furthermore, you can search for courses by most popular, recently added, old to new, alphabetical order (A to Z), and reverse alphabetical order (Z to A).

The available course categories on MentorBox include:

  • Advanced Business
  • Business Case Studies
  • Decision Making
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Fiction Lessons
  • Health
  • Leadership
  • Lifestyle Design
  • Love
  • Marketing
  • Networking
  • Money
  • Peak Performance Habits
  • Psychology
  • Sales
  • Social Media
  • Stress
  • Success Mindset
  • Team Culture

Just as mentioned earlier, the available courses are mainly on life and business. MentorBox also has a long list of authors. Some of the popular authors on the platform include Donald Miller, Charles Duhigg, Christine Gutierrez, Justin Donald, and Nathan Hirsch.

Most of the courses and lessons on MentorBox can be completed in a day. The whole idea of having authors explain their books is to spare readers the days they would’ve spent on reading.

For each course, you get a full outline with video and audio lessons. As you learn, the platform measures your percentage until completion- just like every other online learning platform. It’s self-paced so you don’t have to keep up with any particular timetable.

You can download the course content and lessons and play them offline. So long as your subscription is active, you’ll have access to all your offline lessons and courses.

MentorBox isn’t all about learning and learning. The courses also come with worksheets that contain real-life applications of what you learn so you can practice.

What To Expect?

You should expect a variety of life and business courses and lessons on MentorBox, from different authors as well. According to information on the site, there are 1,000+ videos and audios on the platform totaling 500+ hours of content.

As a user, your focus is only on what matters with MentorBox. It’ll take you a while to read books with hundreds of pages, especially when you wish to digest and practicalize what you read.

With MentorBox, you should expect courses and videos that go straight to point, covering the core details of each book. Next, MentorBox boasts of only renowned writers. This is a guarantee that you’ll find only the best books and authors on the platform.

So long as your subscription is active, you have unlimited access to the lessons on MentorBox. With mobile apps and the web platform, you can access the lessons from about anywhere.

Most people read books without applying what they learn, sometimes because they don’t know how to. The worksheet that comes with each MentorBox course is a game-changer as you get clear guidelines on how to implement the course content.

MentorBox features a private Facebook Mastermind page. The page is exclusive for active users and serves as a channel for them to engage, network, and collaborate.

You can get support using the LiveChat option on the website homepage or call the phone number on the contact page. There’s also the option to submit a question via a contact box; you get replies via email.

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Review Of Some MentorBox Courses

The very first course you should access on MentorBox is the “Welcome To MentorBox!”. This course is taught by the platform’s founders themselves – Tai Lopez and Alex Mehr.

It’s a simple one-video cause that basically explains how to use the platform and what members can gain from it. That aside, here are some of the most popular courses on MentorBox and what they entail:

Talk Like Ted

Talk Like Ted is a very popular book by Carmine Gallo. The book teaches you how to become a better public speaker using scientific analysis of several TED talks, presentations, and interviews.

Talk Like Ted by Carmine Gallo is a 278-page book. However, in the MentorBox course, Carmine Gallo covers all the important parts of the book in 11 video lessons. They include:

  • Ideas Are Currency
  • Passion is Contagious
  • Tell a Story
  • Create a Multisensory Experience
  • Stick to the Rule of Three
  • Prepare, Rehearse, Converse
  • Teach Your Audience Something New
  • Create Emotionally Charged Moments
  • Deliver a Dynamic Presentation
  • Stay in Your Lane
  • Review and Summary

Each of the course lessons takes on different chapters of the book. There’s also a complete audio lesson of the book and finally a workbook and memorization booklet.

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The School Of Greatness

The second most popular book/course on MentorBox is The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes. This Lewis Howes book provides a guide on how to live bigger, love deeper, and leave a legacy behind.

The original book has 274 pages while the MentorBox course covers it all in just 10 video lessons. The lessons include:

  • Grounding
  • Vision
  • Overcoming Adversity
  • Gratitude
  • The Champion’s Mindset
  • The Importance of Your Body
  • Habits
  • Building the Right Team
  • Giving Back
  • Review and Summary

As usual, the video lessons are done by Lewis Howes himself and there’s also a cheat sheet and memorization booklet.

The Warrior Code

The Warrior Code features 11 principles to become a better version of yourself, or as the cover reads, to Unleash the Badass Inside of You. This book by Tee Marie Hanible has a four out of five rating from Goodreads, a 4.5/5 rating from Audible, and a four out of five rating from Barnes & Noble.

The most recent edition of the book has 194 pages. Meanwhile, Marie Hanible covers the most important details in just about 10 video lessons on MentorBox. The lessons include:

  • The Warrior Code
  • The Importance of Service
  • Being Your Own Ally
  • Forgive Thyself
  • Don’t Quit!
  • Cutting out Toxic People
  • Finding Your “Big Reason”
  • Building Your Team
  • Standing Your Ground
  • Self-Care

There’s also The Warrior Code Audio file and at the end, you can download the PDF workbook to practice.

Tuff Juice

In the book Tuff Juice, Caron Butler writes about his journey from the streets to the NBA. Rather than read about it, you can watch him explain his journey on this MentorBox course.

The book is a highly rated one with a 4.9/5 rating on Audible, a 5/5 rating on Barnes & Noble, and a 4.2/5 rating on Goodreads. It’s one of the shortest courses on MentorBox as Caron Butler breaks down his journey in just five video lessons including:

That’s a very quick way to cover a book of 256 pages.


Pre-Suasion is a book by Dr. Robert Cialdini on how to influence and persuade others. It’s a popular book with 4.5 stars out of 5 from close to 5,000 readers on Audible. Pre-Suasion is a relatively long book with 433 pages.

In the MentorBox course, Dr. Robert Cialdini breaks down the 433-page content into eight lessons in addition to an introduction, review & summary, and audio nugget. Like other courses on MentorBox, this one also comes with a memorization booklet and cheat sheet.

How Much Does MentorBox Cost?

As mentioned earlier, you must pay before you access anything on MentorBox. However, the platform is not expensive, the MentorBox pricing costs just $7 per month.

Before paying $7, you also have the option to try the platform for three days for $1. If you wish to pay annually, the price is $59 per year which is about 80 percent off from the monthly payment price.

Your MentorBox subscription will auto-renew every month or year unless you cancel it. Nevertheless, you’ll get a notice 15 days prior to when you’ll be charged.

MentorBox features a 30-day money-back guarantee. You can request and get a refund after paying your monthly or annual subscription 30 days after making payment.

Furthermore, you’re free to cancel your subscription at any time. You can cancel via the website, mobile app, or contact the support team via phone or email.

Aside from the regular MentoBox subscription, the platform also features a PRO subscription. MentorBox Pro features advanced courses on investing, digital marketing, and business building.

In other words, there are special courses and lessons on MentorBox that require a PRO subscription to access. MentorBox PRO costs about double the cost of a regular subscription.

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Is MentorBox Worth The Price?

It’s difficult to say MentorBox isn’t worth the price. Getting access to thousands of video lessons by renowned authors and publishers for $7 per month is not too much to pay for.

Most of the books on Mentor cost over $15 for a digital copy. You’re sure to spend more than the MentorBox price if you opt to buy each book. The platform is for you if you don’t have the time to read a full book.

You can get the key messages by watching minute-long videos and you know you’re getting the real deal since the videos feature the authors themselves. Furthermore, you’ll find it easier to grasp the message via video than by reading text.

However, many people have had bad experiences with MentorBox when it comes to subscriptions. At $7 per month or $59 per year, it’s a very cheap offer and worth the price but some users complain of being overcharged.

According to some users, they were charged more than $100, and some even up to $200. Other users attest to paying just $7 or $59 as the case may be.

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What Are People Saying About MentorBox?

Here are some reviews from other customers who’ve used the MentorBox platform:

Positive Reviews

  • Insightful, Very direct, easy to understand. Easy purchase, no hidden terms or fees. Detailed book collection, author’s mindset, and motivation for each chapter. This is a must-have subscription if you are too busy to keep up with new books that will help you develop in life, business, Entrepreneurship, and relationships in business. Everything you need is a keystroke away” – Michael R. McNeil
  • I totally love MentorBox. The value of the knowledge I gain well outweighs going to any university; some of the world’s most brilliant minds are at my fingertips, and I can learn at my own speed from the comfort of my own home. A++++” – Mesepa Edwards
  • This gets right to the point! The workbooks make you consider things through, and I’m learning new things as well as brushing up on old ones. This is something I wish I had done a year or two ago!” – Tom Burton

Negative Reviews

  • Bad customer service… When they began, I signed up for the higher fee of $9.99/month. They changed to $7/month at some time. I had been paying the higher rate for several months and had contacted them to inquire about it. They cooked up a tale about me appearing in a different version of the magazine. When I pressed them on the difference, they couldn’t explain it and said management was under no obligation to move me to the lower rate plan. I wasn’t even using the site that frequently. What a waste.” – Gregory Lee
  • Don’t waste your money. The link didn’t work for ten days. The access eventually worked, but now every book I try to access requires me to re-login and ask if I want a special deal. Bad and time-wasting support.” – Malika H

Bottom Line

MentorBox is worth it if you get what the platform claims to offer. The basic advantage of using MentorBox is that you can learn lessons from best-selling books and authors without having to read the actual book; you just watch videos and listen to audio.

Not to mention the catalog is unending as new videos and other media lessons are added every week. While this is a major pro, it also has its cons.

For instance, an author can leave out a thing or two in their videos. Next is the cost. MentorBox is worth it for the price for which it’s sold.

You get access to thousands of video workshops, audiobooks, cheat sheets all for less than $10. Also, the yearly plan comes with up to a 30 percent discount and you have the option to pay $1 for a trial and a 30-day money-back guarantee.

With all of these, it seems trying out MentorBox is risk-free. Well, that’s not always the case. There are so many reviews of customers complaining about being charged more than $7 up to the tune of $100 to $200.

The main problem MentorBox customers have with MentorBox seems to be the customer service. To conclude, MentorBox is a great concept and its content is ideal for anyone that wants to improve their business or personal life.

The customer reviews, however, do raise some concerns. Therefore, you should use the platform with caution.

About Author

Tom loves to write on technology, e-commerce & internet marketing.
Tom has been a full-time internet marketer for two decades now, earning millions of dollars while living life on his own terms. Along the way, he’s also coached thousands of other people to success.