Pros And Cons Of iPad With Cellular

Are you planning to get an iPad but not sure whether to buy one that operates with Wi-Fi or cellular data? Or maybe you’ve decided to buy an iPad with cellular abilities and are now curious to know the benefits and disadvantages of using the device.

One great advantage of using an iPad with cellular is that it allows you to stay connected to the internet wherever you go. Aside from that, it offers seamless browsing, communication, and productivity.

There are more benefits and I have taken my time to explore them in this article. I also explained some of the device’s drawbacks, such as limited data allowance and high cost.

I aim to help you make an informed decision based on your needs, lifestyle, and preferences. I hope you’re able to decipher if this device is worth the extra money.

So, without much ado, let’s dive right into the pros and cons of iPad with cellular.

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Pros of iPad With Cellular

There are a lot of reasons why you should choose an iPad with cellular. From the period I used it, here’s what I found out:

It allows you to connect to the internet on the go

If you’re constantly traveling, always on the go, or in a place where you can’t access a stable Wi-Fi connection, then you will enjoy an iPad like this. Do you know why?

Because the device is designed such that, you can connect to the internet from virtually anywhere. This has made our work easy and super flexible.

Imagine traveling, commuting, or on a road trip and making time to check in with your online content, emails, or applications. It’s a beautiful experience that takes away a lot of burden from your shoulder.

Also, you’re not restricted to specific locations like you would if you were using a Wi-Fi iPad. You can even download movies with your iPad while on the move. Nothing is stopping you!

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Image by Josh Sorenson via Pexels

You’ll have a more reliable internet connection

Let’s face it, most times, Wi-Fi connections can be slow or inconsistent especially if a lot of people are connected to it. What then happens if you need to access certain platforms or websites quickly?

An iPad with a cellular connection has a more consistent and stable connection. You’re the only one using the network and so it will be faster and more accessible as well.

I love that in emergencies, you can always rely on a cellular-enabled iPad to make internet calls, send and receive messages, and access other essential online resources.

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You can always share your hotspot

This is also one of the reasons why I love iPads with cellular abilities. Because I work remotely, I always prefer connecting my iPad to my laptop. The internet is fast and so, it makes my work easier.

You wouldn’t enjoy this freedom with Wi-Fi-enabled iPads. If you want to always share your internet connection with your other devices such as laptops or tablets, then an iPad with cellular works best.

It’s especially useful if you want to connect to multiple devices simultaneously. This way, you won’t spend money on separate data plans for each of your devices. It helps you to save more.

Image by Josh Sorenson via Pexels

Enjoy seamless streaming services

If you’re a film buff like me, you might want to consider getting an iPad especially if you prefer streaming your movies online.

With this device, you can watch your favorite movies on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and other streaming platforms without encountering any glitches and from anywhere you are.

You can also listen to music or podcasts on Spotify. Tune in to your favorite radio station while on a commute. Just make sure that you have a good data plan and you’re ready to go.

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You’ll be more productive

Another benefit of a cellular-enabled iPad is that you’ll easily get your work done. You can easily access cloud-based applications, collaborate in real-time with your colleagues at work, and connect to other work or educational resources without any glitches.

As usual, as long as your data plan is enough for you, you’ll get your work done quickly.

You’ll save more especially if you are a constant traveler

I know you’re probably wondering, “But I’m going to spend so much money on data subscriptions.” Well, see it this way, if you’re an international traveler, a lot of times, you have to rely on Wi-Fi networks in hotels, airports, or cafes which are not always reliable.

And if you want faster and more consistent internet access, you have to pay for a Wi-Fi subscription in that area. Once you leave that location, your connection is cut off.

However, with an iPad with cellular, you can bypass these additional costs and connect directly to cellar networks and still enjoy faster internet speed. There is no need for Wi-Fi subscriptions.

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There is seamless internet access during network outages.

Nothing is as frustrating as being in the middle of your work or streaming something online and your internet connection goes off. That’s usually the case with Wi-Fi-enabled iPads.

But if your device is cellular, it saves you this stress. It ensures that you continue to stay connected and access online resources without interruptions.

Your device is more secure

How do iPads with cellular save you from security breaches and data theft? I’m going to break it down for you.

First, a device that uses a cellular network already has a unique IP address assigned to it, providing an additional layer of privacy when compared to public Wi-Fi networks where multiple devices share the same IP address.

This way, there’s less likelihood of your online activities being tracked or monitored by other people connected to the same network. Additionally, cellular networks usually use encryption protocols to secure data transmission between your iPad and the network.

In doing so, your data is protected from being intercepted or accessed by unauthorized parties. Also, think about the risk of connecting to malicious or untrusted networks if you’re using a Wi-Fi-enabled iPad.

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iPads with cellular are simple and easy to use

This is one of the major reasons why some people go for this device. You’re not relying on any external device or additional setup for internet access.

This means that you are entitled to quick and straightforward connectivity without the need to search for Wi-Fi networks or enter login credentials. It’s such a breath of fresh air that you don’t need to deal with this stress.

Image by Marek Levak via Pexels

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You can access online resources in remote areas

Have you ever been in a remote or rural area with a reliable Wi-Fi network? I bet that the chances are so low. However, with an iPad with cellular, you can easily access the internet without encountering any interruption regardless of your location.

You’re free to choose any affordable data plan

Interestingly, this is another way iPads with cellular save you money. Rather than being limited to just one type of Wi-Fi subscription, you have different data plans from various cellular network providers to choose from.

This gives you the flexibility to compare pricing and data allowance including the network coverage before selecting a plan. You’re also free to pick a plan that suits your budget and usage pattern.

Now that we’ve seen the different benefits you stand to enjoy when using a cellular-enabled iPad, let’s look at the downsides.

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Cons Of iPad With Cellular

There are a lot of reasons why using this device may not be the best decision. I have explained them below:

It is more expensive

I know I stated earlier that iPads with cellular are cost-effective but there are also some instances where they can cost you more. For example, they come with a higher upfront cost when compared to Wi-Fi-only models.

Aside from that, you will constantly need to purchase data plans to access the internet. This will affect you more if you use the internet often. You should consider the ongoing costs of cellular data plans and see if it’s something you can bear.

I usually make a budget for my data plans monthly and sometimes, I try to regulate my internet use to maximize my data. It’s not always convenient.

Image by Julia M Cameron via Pexels

You have a limited data allowance

You will mostly encounter this problem if your iPad sets a limit for your data usage. Sometimes you even have to set it yourself if you’re not buoyant enough to purchase data plans frequently.

When your data plan has a usage limit, the browsing speed might decrease when you hit the limit. In some cases, it attracts additional charges.

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It drains your battery

This is one of the major reasons why I am considering switching from cellular-enabled iPads. It’s usually frustrating how much it drains your battery especially if you’re in a location where you have limited or unstable electricity.

Because the device constantly searches for and maintains connections with cellular networks, it consumes additional power. Please consider this before purchasing an iPad with cellular.

Though a good way to manage situations like this is to buy a power bank where you can instantly charge your iPad when it’s low.

There may be limited network availability

If you are always in regions with poor network coverage, an iPad with cellular may frustrate you. That’s because cellular connectivity relies a lot on the coverage and availability of cellular networks in your area. This happens mostly in remote or rural areas.

Image by Gustavo Fring via Pexels

Device compatibility

Unfortunately, some iPad models are not available with cellular capability. This can limit your options. So, it’s best to ensure that the iPad model you are going for offers cellular connectivity.

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As you have seen, there are several benefits of using iPads with cellular along with downsides. So, it’s best to weigh your options before making a choice.

Not only should you consider these pros and cons, but also your specific needs, budget, and usage patterns. Additionally, access your regular travel requirements, how much do you use the internet, and your monthly income.

All these factors will help choose whether to purchase cellular-enabled iPads or reconsider.

About Author

Scott L. Macarthur is a marketing consultant and an online author. He is mostly engaged in providing his expertise to startups and SMBs. He is also an author on TheNextWeb.