Kajabi Website Examples – 10 Best For 2023

Kajabi is an online subscription platform created in 2010 by Kenny Rueter; that allows people to create and manage websites for monetizing digital offerings like podcasts, online courses, and membership communities, among many others.

What makes Kajabi a popular platform is the array of unique features it offers users. For example, web hosting is included in all the Kajabi price plans. You also get access to web-building tools that allow you to choose the themes you want and customize the layout to your liking.

Kajabi also employs innovative auto-scaling technology to optimize your site and make it fast and responsive, irrespective of how heavy the visitor traffic may be.

Kajabi websites are also SEO-optimized, with one-click marketing and blogging tools and smooth video and audio streaming features that make your website perfect for driving up user engagement and so much more.

In this article, I’ll explore some of the best websites built on Kajabi so you can see just how good this platform is. If you’ve been considering setting up a website but don’t know where to start, this is for you.

Best Kajabi Website Examples

There are so many websites to choose from, and since we can’t cover all of them, I decided to pick the best ones based on the different niches they cater to.

1. Yoga With Adriene – Fitness

This is a beautiful website running on Kajabi that focuses on fitness and, more specifically, yoga.

The website has everything you would expect to see in a fitness-oriented site – amazing fitness images, some videos, and several premium courses that people can buy.

You can see elements of Kajabi all over just by looking at the landing page. For example, all the media content is well-optimized and the website loads immediately without any buffering.

This is common on Kajabi websites and is very important considering how picky users are these days. Nobody ever wastes their time looking at websites that take too long to load.

At the very top, there’s a menu icon that has courses and a section for signing into a “My Library” section. The courses have different names and, unlike most of the other websites, there’s no exact amount users are required to pay. You simply pay what you feel is right, with a minimum price of $0.99.

Notable courses include Revolution, Yoga Camp, 30 Days of Yoga, Dedicate, and a host of other options. Each comes with a download option with two curated training materials that should help you attain the best yoga fitness without much help.

Overall, Yoga With Adrienne is well-executed with amazing fonts, and users won’t have trouble navigating it. To get the most out of this website, you have to create an account and sign in.

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2. The Novelry – Writing

If you’ve ever wanted to know how to write novels like Stephen King without selling your kidney to afford the exorbitant writing school tuition out there, then The Novelry is your best alternative.

This Kajabi website was created with writers in mind, and the landing page alone has more text than any other website I’ve ever seen, but all of it is valuable information.

The Novelry sells writing courses and welcomes all types of writers from all ages and nationalities. On the landing page, visitors can choose a course of their liking, with the most notable ones including The Novel Kickstarter, The Novel Development Plan, and The Finished Novel, all premium.

The website also features easy-to-play videos that load immediately, even with slow internet speeds. This is more proof of how well-optimized Kajabi websites can be when executed correctly.

Visitors can also sign up, book a live chat, and even connect to social media pages with a single click. The Novelry is well-made with the right combination of colors, and the overall user interface is very easy on the eyes.

3. Wife. Mother. Leader. – Motherhood

This website is aimed at career women who are also juggling their family roles, which may be a little challenging for most people. It provides coaching for women on how to build their careers without sacrificing their marriages or the time they need to spend with their kids.

The website also offers some valuable tips for parenting, like, for instance, a very detailed guide on how to hire a trustworthy house cleaner within seven days without breaking the bank. There are also tips on how to go out for weekly date nights and plan meals, among many others.

And typical of any Kajabi website, Wife. Mother. Leader. is full of actional buttons that help visitors get to where they need to without spending too much time browsing.

For example, there’s a section for podcasts that open with a single click of a button. The podcasts are smooth, clear, and without any buffering, indicating a highly optimized website.

At the very top, there’s a button you can tap to the latest podcasts that have been posted to the website. The best part about this is that you don’t need an account to listen to the informative podcast. Just click and play.

The website uses colorful palettes that include orange, light blue, and yellow, which can sometimes be a little off. But overall, as far as functionality goes, this Kajabi-run website has nailed everything down to the last detail very well.

4. Betsy Jordyn – Inspirational

Everybody needs some inspiration from time to time and this is what this amazing Kajabi-based website brings to the table.

The website has everything, from amazing and soothing videos of different people giving inspirational words to podcasts with very clear sound. The website itself makes use of beautiful fonts and colors that are very attractive – the kind that makes a visitor just want to spend more time there.

I tried clicking some of the videos and they immediately started playing without any buffering or frame freezes. That’s a characteristic of a well-optimized website that strikes that delicate balance between quality content and fast loading speeds.

The same was replicated with the podcasts. At no point did I need to wait for the audio to load.

At the same time, the Betsy Jordyn website is more than just a place that gives people hope. It’s full of resources that can help people kickstart their lives in different ways. For example, there are sections for business strategies, media resources, marketing tips, and even website copywriting.

As for the online courses, there are several of them starting from $47 all the way to $597, all of them complete with learning materials and personal discussions with the experts that run the website. So check it out and see how things turn out for you.

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5. Fully Raw – Healthy Eating

Dieting is big business right now, and everyone with enough money in their bank account is going to full lengths to get their hands on the latest popular dieting trend. Out of the many Kajabi websites I looked at, this caught my eye based on the content and interesting name.

Fully Raw is a website for vegans and provides information related to all types of raw vegan diets that people looking to abstain from meat can try.

This was the most colorful website on this list, which is natural and expected of any food-related site. This is because catching attention matters the most, so it has to look lively.

Fully Raw is highly interactive, another common characteristic of Kajabi-run websites. Right from the landing page, visitors can join the challenge of the day by clicking on a button. This then redirects them to another page with informative videos that show them how to create natural juices from scratch.

This is also the page where the benefits of the various raw diets are beautifully listed in an easy-to-read format in beautiful fonts. I loved the way different colors were used to highlight the important bits for the reader to catch on easily and quickly.

Fully Raw also takes full advantage of Kajabi’s business-oriented model by selling merchandise like directing ebooks and exclusive access to cleansing camps. Further down, you’ll be met by testimonies from people who have taken part in these camps and challenges.

This website is a trove of information for people who want to take their dieting seriously, and it has used Kajabi resources perfectly to get the intended message across.

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6. The Empowered Entrepreneur – Business

For those looking to switch from formal employment to starting their own business, this Kajabi-based website may have what you’re looking for.

The Empowered Entrepreneur is a unique site that tries to focus on the power of using the brain to expand entrepreneurial skills. Basically, it addresses the biggest fear that most people trying to venture into business have: their inability to change and adapt to the environment.

Like any other money-generating activity, being able to tap into the brain’s power when making decisions could be the difference between a successful business venture and a failed one. This website, therefore, provides coaching programs where business owners are trained to switch from working harder to working smarter.

The Empowered Entrepreneur is well-designed with a very simple layout. Everything is straightforward and self-explanatory; a single look at the landing page will tell you everything you need to know.

There’s also an informative blog that follows a similar line of thought, where most of the topics are geared toward imparting critical thinking skills to people looking to try their hand at business.

Overall, this website is easy to navigate, and there are no lags when it comes to loading pages, even when you have slow internet. That’s common with Kajabi websites.

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7. ICY Productions – Video Production

In the current world that we live in, video content has become the most loved medium of communication. Platforms like TikTok grew into an overnight success with their simple video content format, and now every other social media site is trying to mimic that template.

ICY Productions is a website that provides lessons on making professional-looking videos without using sophisticated equipment or paying vast amounts of money for video-editing software.

One thing that stands out the most about this website is the use of colors that would look out of place in any other setting. It’s not every day you see yellows and blues used in harmony, but that’s what ICY Productions has achieved here.

And in true Kajabi style, this website is full of actionable buttons that direct the user to quickstart guides.

And speaking of guides, this website has a section that gives iPhone users tips on making professional-looking videos without issues. There’s also a store that showcases the contents of each online course.

Visitors can either choose the Basic course, which is suitable for those on a budget, or the iPhone Film School course for those who want to use their smartphones.

Each course has amazing tutorial videos that take users through each video-making process. The videos played without buffering on all my devices, meaning the whole site is well-optimized for media.

Some features of the site require an account and a premium subscription but other resources, like the blog, can be accessed by anyone at any time.

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8. Functional Lawyer – Law

This is a very unique website that was started by Scott Rattigan, a licensed lawyer in the state of Florida. It focuses on providing services and consultancy in medical law, something Scott realized was lacking in most places in the United States.

The site offers quite a number of services that range from an analysis of current legal situations in the medical world as well as providing solutions for unique complications that most law firms have no experience in dealing with.

Another amazing thing that people can benefit from using this website is that it keeps the most updated information regarding the changing landscape of law around the country. This is very important considering how fast laws change every day in a country as vast as the United States.

It features simple videos that explain how Functional Lawyer works and there was no buffering whenever I played videos on the website.

Visitors can schedule a consultation and get help from a team of the best lawyers. Most of these meetings take 45 minutes according to the website, which is enough time to address a lot of issues.

There’s an option for people to sign up and become members. Members gain unlimited access to resources like templates which they can customize for their court cases without spending too much.

There’s also legal and business education offered on the website and they cover areas like HIPAA, Telemedicine, and Practice Essentials, among others. Enrollment fees start from $417 per month to $499 per month depending on the course you choose.

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9. Orthovated – Medical

Of course, this list wouldn’t be complete without a medical website considering how important things like telemedicine have become with the advancement in technology.

Orthovated looks exactly like you would expect a medical website to look. A dash of blue here and there, images of smiling doctors on the landing page, and several call-to-action buttons lead visitors to different website areas.

This website trains orthodontic professionals who have long suffered from an insufficient workforce since not many schools offer these courses.

So this is a very innovative way for newly graduated orthodontists to further improve their skills, and what better way to do that than to learn from fellow professionals with experience?

This website has incorporated a lot of Kajabi features. For example, visitors can tap on a button on the landing page to book a free demo call to preview what they will get if they sign up, a perfect marketing trick.

Further down, you can see the detailed guide on how someone can become a member of this online course, which involves two simple steps: creating an account and paying for the course you want.

Like all the other websites we’ve covered so far, Orthovated has videos that play without buffering as they are optimized. The same applies to the many images that litter the whole website.

However, the online courses on Orthovated aren’t cheap. The Orthovated Assistant course alone costs $2,999. But on the flip side, it comes with several incentives that should encourage anyone serious about elevating their craft to take it.

Other than that, this site is very well made, with a simple layout that’s easy to navigate.

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10. Conscious Combat – Self Defense

Finally, wrapping up our list of the ten best Kajabi website examples is the Conscious Combat Club, a unique website teaching people self-defense techniques.

Regarding website aesthetics, this is one of the best-looking websites on this list that features a light red background color with beautiful fonts in varying sizes and boldness. In short, it’s a very legible website with all the elements strategically placed all over the landing page for easy access.

The Conscious Combat Club was founded in 2020 and mainly focuses on teaching women self-defense to protect themselves whenever they find themselves under attack. Here’s a quote from the website that best describes what this website is all about.

“Conscious Combat is not fighting. It combines consciousness with the physicality of martial arts to allow us to move from a state of self-defense to offense. By exploring our vulnerabilities and processing our trauma, we can discover our body’s full strength and capability. By consciously teaching combat, guided by trauma-informed principles, we aim to help people expand their window of tolerance.”

Based in Melbourne, the site provides podcasts on Apple, Spotify, and YouTube, where all topics related to personal safety are discussed in detail. There’s also a blog that dives deep into the many faces of self-defense techniques from around the world.

But the most essential part of The Conscious Combat Club is the programs it offers its members. There’s a $440 course broken down into eight sessions where users learn the foundations of martial art techniques like kickboxing.

I loved this website’s use of bold colors and fonts, as it has taken advantage of the most notable Kajabi website features. I also loved the shop segment, where different kinds of merchandise are sold, from t-shirts to hoodies of all colors.

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Wrapping Up

As you can see from how functional these websites are, Kajabi has done a stellar job of setting itself apart as the ultimate website builder for people looking for online engagement.

If you plan to launch a digital product that can be bought from anywhere in the world, I highly recommend trying Kajabi and seeing how things turn out for you.

About Author

Scott L. Macarthur is a marketing consultant and an online author. He is mostly engaged in providing his expertise to startups and SMBs. He is also an author on TheNextWeb.